seeds of my land, Chibquysquua-Nga

The PROJECT SEMILLAS DE MI TIERRA "CHIBQUYSQUUA-NGA is the transition in times of covid 19 of the PROJECT MICRO HUERTAS ANCESTRALES UBA RHUA" ESPÍRITU DE LA SEMILLA "a project that has been carried out since 2017 and that sought to recover ancestral knowledge and culinary customs of our Boyacá region through school and rural micro gardens (Micro ancestral gardens Uba Rhua "spirit of the seed") which are focused on environmental education in ancestral knowledge of agriculture to the child and youth population of schools and rural schools of the municipality from Toca Boyacá using seeds and natural bio-inputs typical of the Boyacá region; Through these good rural practices, it was sought to provide new job opportunities and personal projection for young people with limited resources in the rural areas of the municipality of Toca and the department of Boyacá in Colombia at the same time that a solution was generated to the problem of food and economic security in rural families.
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Helping humanity solve its main survival challenges in one generation (2020-2050)

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