
State of the art technology lets people anticipate the future of the job market, apply successfully to education and jobs, and move continuously forward in their careers. Tens of millions face losing jobs in escalating coronavirus crisis. Jump! is a marketplace to match recruiters and education providers with people seeking jobs or opportunities to study. Our algorithms generate suggestions for courses, training or jobs to lead users towards their goals. Thanks to our technology, data is constantly being enhanced to show updated results, and to provide a guide on how the job market could change in the future, so our users can make the right choices now. When users do not meet the job criteria our web app provides suggestions on relevant courses, education programs, internships or work experience, so the user can stay competitive in the job market and achieve their goals more easily.
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Retos y soluciones para enfrentar el Covid-19 desde la innovación social y la responsabilidad ciudadana.

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