
COVID-19 will have a negative impact on world economies. In fact, it has had detrimental effects on Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, and Peru given that producers can not ship their products, and the exports have had disadvantageous conditions for producers. At a national level, restaurants, coffee shops, and food-related companies have suspended their activities for the lockdown, and this has reduced the sales of producers. In response, we propose the creation of a digital platform to promote the connection between producers and intermediaries. The objective of this platform is to foster good practices in commercial activities, to guarantee that sales have positive conditions both for producers and buyers. In this platform, both parts (brokers and producers) will give information about the supply and demand of products, facilitating the connection of brokers with producers.
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Buenos dias, la idea de negocio es excelente y se esta considerando solo un canal de comercializacion: Productor - Broker? Gracias
hace 4 años
Genial idea y contenta de formar parte!
hace 4 años
¡Muy interesante idea!
hace 4 años

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