
UNICYCLE Jamaica began as a school uniform recycling initiative in 2018. It is endorsed by the Ministry of Education and Youth and has grown to involve numerous private-sector partnerships.1500 uniforms have been donated so far and the number is still rising. In 2020 masks and school supplies were added to the donations. Close to JD $2m worth of supplies have been redistributed nationally. The goal is to spread this textile recycling, circular economy-based initiative to other countries in the region and align it to the concept of staging zero waste weeks in schools to promote greater awareness of the awareness in the many different ways we can all reduce, reuse and recycle.UNICYCLE Jamaica has established partnerships with major Jamaican organizations such as:Fontana, Campion College, the National Education Trust, Joseph's,  Food for the Poor Jamaica, Digicel Jamaica Foundation, Project Hope, Megamart, Ammar's, Frozen Delights Distributors, L.P. Azar and Ralaica.
¿Cómo nació el proyecto o idea? ¿Cuál fue la inspiración?
I had outgrown my khaki uniform and I knew that there were students for whom accessing uniforms proved challenging. After looking around, I realised that there was no national effort to collect and redistribute a key component of back to school costs for many families and I worked with my sister and a friend to establish UNICYCLE Jamaica. I realised just how critical of a climate issue textile waste is.
Mencionar alguna acción concreta que han realizado en su proyecto o que planeen realizar (En caso de no haber concretado alguna)
Drives 2018-, distributed supplies valued 2mil JMD
ODS principal relacionado con el proyecto o idea
13. Climate Actiona
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