
Beyond the constant technological advances in the world, we keep forgetting about something crucial, our planet Earth.In Mexico there's high levels of air contamination. Plants purify the air and improve the quality of your environment.Plantare, the innovative app that supports local ecology, promoting home gardening and knowledge. You start by learning how to take care of your first plant, making progressive advances to keep discovering more and more nature! Get your eco-packs at your own door and become a part of our eco-community.
¿Cómo nació el proyecto o idea? ¿Cuál fue la inspiración?
We are in a mission to help reduce the lack of knowledge on gardening among regular citizens, we look forward to being the number one app that provides valuable information on how to take care of your plants. We're providing valuable information that helps you create your own home garden, and at the same time making the process fun and easy. Facilitating the obtention of your gardening supplies will save you time and impulse you to keep adding more and more plants to your home.
Mencionar alguna acción concreta que han realizado en su proyecto o que planeen realizar (En caso de no haber concretado alguna)
We have developed the beginning of the app
ODS principal relacionado con el proyecto o idea
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
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