Ms Bibian Agba

first of all,our registered non-governmental organisation,Purity Homecare services(my health team and i) comprising of emergency rescuers,doctors and nurses, will initiate the emergency response system having arrived the disaster scene.Using the simple triage and rapid treatment will help to identify,sort and treat depending on the priority and severity of the injuries in 30 seconds or less based on three primary observations-respiration,perfusion or circulation and mental status.furthermore,evaluate,treat,stabilize and transport the hospital.depending on the physical assessment and severity of injuries the victims would be tagged with coloured tags.the green tag care can be delayed upto three hours,the green tag requiring urgent care but can be delayed upto one hour,the red tag being life threatening and requiring immediate care and the black tag victims in which no care is required because they are dead.the first step in assessing the triage and rapid treatment is to tell the people who can get up and work to move to aspecific area afterwards we begin from where we are moving in an orderly and systematic manner through the victimsstopping at each other for a quick assessment and tagging which shouldn't last more than one minute.
Breathingor respiration:we will check the child for a response and check breathing.if there is no response and no breathing or only gasping the second rescuer activates the emergency response system and get the defibrilator.
Perfusion or circulation:i will check the child's pulse,take atleast five seconds but not more than ten seconds.i will also try to feel the carotid pulse or femoral pulseand if within ten seconds i don't feel a pulse or if despite adequate oxygenation and ventilation the heart rate is
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First 72 Hours

Soluciones que entreguen una respuesta rápida frente a las necesidades básicas y humanitarias producidas por una emergencia o catástrofe

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