
emplea aims to bridge the digital divide to bring jobs and opportunities to people in rural communities by leveraging their access to technology. The goal is to provide individuals, who are non-digitized, or that have limited access to the internet, with access to technology that will enable them to find jobs. Despite the lack of access to technology, most people in Latin American countries have access to a cell phone with somewhat limited internet, which they use to communicate, mainly through social media (Whatsapp, Facebook). The idea of emplea is to create a chatbot on WhatsApp that will store people’s information on a web page. The web page will store their occupation and job status and cross-post it on social media and give these people visibility and opportunities to connect and find jobs. People’s information including availability and ways to reach them will be posted online so that they can be reachable. In order to promote banca de datos, we will use radio and more.
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