village mobile based rehabilitation program

According to the WHO, “If children with development delays are not provided with appropriate earlyintervention, their difficulties can lead to lifetime consequences, increased poverty and profoundexclusion.” Currently in Eastern region, Uganda, there are 102,600 children with disabilities in age 0-6.85% of children have no access to EI therapy because of a lack of rehab specialists in rural areas and longdistance to urban EI centers. CIGGA’s (our NGO) solution is to provide therapy for children in their ownhomes through Community Rehabilitation Workers (CRWs). CRWs are guided and monitored byrehabilitation specialists through an app we have developed called Village- Mobile Based Rehabilitation(VmBRP). This solution can be adopted globally as it helps overcome the lack of availability of rehabspecialists in rural areas and leverages technology to connect community workers to specialists to providetherapy in a child’s own home.

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