
The project is designed to develop 3 main characteristics: 1) Kindness: derived from empathy and enhancing motivation for change 2) Divergent Education: design thinking processes based on a global perspective of the human needs 3) Competitiveness: produce scalable and sustainable projects that create opportunities worldwide. All through a reversive education (learning through teaching) model based on what we think of others and their needs. Process: 1) Identification of profile, passion, purpose, type of intelligence, interests, and abilities. 2) Developing sensitivity through kindness (empathy, mindfulness, perception) 3) Create Technological capabilities: Intensive training through borderless education (Singularity University, Khan Academy, Social Media, 3D printing) 3) Create analytical and real inclusive groups of study (type of intelligence, interests, abilities, cultures, physical and mental disabilities, transgenerational, multidisciplinary) having into account the type

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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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