Casa Azul Productions

Problem: More than 82% of middle-skill jobs require digital expertise. Moreover, digitally intensive positions provide higher wages and a career path to higher-skilled jobs. Much of the workforce is left behind, unable financially to relocate for a job or pay for expensive digital skills courses, especially people of color. Solution: Casa Azul Production Enterprise (CAPE) provides professional development in digital media and paid microwork opportunities to workers from underinvested communities, regardless of their physical location. Our long-term goal is also to support young adults create businesses in their communities using the digital media skills they have developed. Scale: CAPE will continue to expand remunerative professional development opportunities for workers without access to digital skill training for robust labor markets at competitive wages.
Nombre completo de la organización, proyecto o iniciativa que postula al Reporte de Soluciones Juveniles - México 2020
Casa Azul Productions
Nombre completo de la persona de contacto principal
Bianca Alvarado
Galería de imagenes

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