Automated Disinfection System SADE

The Automated Disinfection System SADE is an innovative technology cabin for complete and efficient cleaning at the entrance to public places. Its manufacture does not require a complex and expensive process, being adaptable to different spaces and needs. Its maintenance can be performed by the same user. Avoiding contagion by diseases that are transmitted to contact produced by viruses, bacteria and fungi, and introducing personal disinfectuon as a healthcare habit are the benefits of implementing it.SADE uses a biodegradable disinfectant whose formula cleans viruses, bacteria and fungi without damaging the user’s skin, mucous membranes or belongings. In addition, the use of a mat with UV-C technology for disinfecting shoe soles makes the difference compared to sanitizing mats.SADE is in a functional prototype stage of validation through laboratory tests to measure its effectiveness in eradicating biological agents. We currently require support to implement it on a large scale.
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