
Brazil has about 1 million fishermen and artisanal fishermen, generating approximately 3.5 million direct and indirect jobs. However, since 2009 we have not sent fisheries statistics data to the FAO (United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture). Fishing in Brazil fulfills an important cultural and social role that is integral to thousands of traditional communities that depend on this activity for their livelihood, income generation, food security and preservation of their culture as a way of life. Unfortunately, traditional artisanal fishing communities do not have the necessary resources or knowledge to use materials with less impact on the ocean. Our goal is to educate, replace negative impact materials and reuse discarded fishing nets.
Problema que resuelve su propuesta
Oceans, mangroves, rivers, local communities and their livelihoods are at risk. The consequences of these practices lead to marine and nature pollution, threaten marine life and consequently have a negative impact on the fisherman and the local culture which is also in danger of disappearing. Our initial assessment showed more than 95% of the communities that we visited used buoys made of Styrofoam, such as cooler lids or others plastic containers. Strong currents or a sudden change in sea conditions can cause these materials to become detached and subsequently lost, further polluting the ocean. Additionally, Styrofoam has the characteristic of breaking apart more quickly and the small pieces are dispersed in the ocean, threatening marine life. It is important to solve this problem to support the small local fisherman community, minimize marine pollution and educate to protect marine life.
¿Qué impacto positivo tiene o tendría su propuesta en su comunidad? Cuáles son las mejoras concretas ambientales o sociales
Minimize marine pollution by introducing other material in place of the plastic used by fishermen. Support artisanal fishers and educate to increase the protection of marine species. In Portuguese: as mudanças ambientais irão além da substituição do plástico para um material viável barato e natural como também, desenvolvimento de um programa educacional que irá certificar que as comunidades conheçam e se adequem as normativas de proteção às espécies ameaçadas e mitiguem impactos negativos através de palestras e materiais visuais com atividades dinâmicas como painéis educativos. Mitigar também o descarte incorreto das redes de descarte com um programa de reutilização das redes que visa renda extra para a comunidade.
¿Por qué te interesa involucrarte con problemáticas que afectan al ambiente y/o a los océanos?
I am marine biologist and I spend my life to work for my purpose, that is to protect the environment and ocean-related matters since I was a little girl.
Principal ODS con el que se vincula tu propuesta
SDG 14: Life below water
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Hi Mariana! Nice to (e) meeting you. My name is Saraís and I'll be your mentor during this stage. Thank you for your interest in Comprometidos 2021 and congratulations for the great idea. I have some recommendations in order to improve your postulation. In the impact session you can explain a little bit more about the education work with the community and in the team section, you should add the team members name. Remember, you still have until July 18 to edit your postulation and share it in order to have more votes :) Hope this questions work for you and food luck :D
hace 3 años
Nice to meet you Saraís! Thank you so much!
hace 3 años