Most of the disaster striken regions in the world are well known,may it be tsunami disasters,may it be earthquakes,floods,famines or heavy rains.
Most disasters after happening,its not possible to determine the locations of the affected people which could run in to hundreds of thousands.Most of the people after disasters would be saved if in the first place people knew their locations so that faster medical attention would be achieved and hence we would end up saving more people in the regions of the disasters in the first 72 hours. The idea is we make gps locator microchip and embedded in different items. This items include watches, earrings, finger rings, wrist bands, necklaces and leg anklets and such other items that people ware daily for 24 hours.This items would be given to people who live in this places and when this disasters strike then in the first 72 hours more people would be located quickly hence we would end up saving more lives on time.
This items will be made of different materials ranging from plastic to metals to be able to cover for peoples preferences and those allergic to different materials, different colours and different sizes. The items will be water proof too.Each person living in the disaster striken areas should have one of the items beginning from the children to the old people. The items are diversified to ensure they are comfortable and easily acceptable by the people to ensure they do not feel secluded or can be easily identified.
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First 72 Hours

Soluciones que entreguen una respuesta rápida frente a las necesidades básicas y humanitarias producidas por una emergencia o catástrofe

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