Save yOur Soul mobile service

Save yOur Soul is a global system:
Disaster alert, emergency locator, first aid and geographic information system.
For all kinds of mobile and smartphones
SYS is a mobile and smartphone service designed for:
1. Before the network goes down
a. To warn about imminent disasters
b. To inform once the disaster occurred (Operators are technically able to send one last message before the network goes down). The message includes:
i. A text message and a map for smartphones with:
- Personal, relatives and rescue units geographic locations
- Information about the disaster
ii. First rescue measures
2. While the network is down
a. To manage the battery by shutting down useless services, by restricting scans for network, etc.
b. To activate a special frequency to SOS rescue crews
+ To give real time location for phones with GPS (But not with A-GPS)
3. Once the network available again
a. Personal, relatives and rescue units geographic locations in real time
b. Last information about the disaster
c. To emit a life signal, a SOS, a message of availability
d. To report about the situation
e. To privilege text messages over phone calls to preserve the network
+ Real time location for phones with A-GPS
+ Access to news for phones with FM radio
1. To know your location, your medical condition, your skills
2. To have an overview of the situation
3. To search for people at their last estimated location
4. To contact people directly at precise locations
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I like the idea of communication. I will give for her own voice. with respect Borodulin Sergey
hace 10 años

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First 72 Hours

Soluciones que entreguen una respuesta rápida frente a las necesidades básicas y humanitarias producidas por una emergencia o catástrofe

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