Intelimundo Educational Model

We are an educational innovation project developed in two areas: The Technological and Academic, which emerges as the perfect complement to improve the academic life of students. We have developed the Digital Classrooms; Class and exams simulators that allow students to organize their homework and learning, and give the teacher an educational complement. The digital classroom implements the characteristics of video games to catch the attention and interest of the student; Interaction with other participants, achievement of goals, unlock levels, interactivity and agility. With the above we make visible the need for autonomous students. The Intelimundo project is an innovative idea that perfectly covers the need for a massive client, with great growth potential and a constant problem to solve. And the most important, you are part of a large family committed to driving social change and at the same time generate incredible profits with a minimum investment and a minimum of risk.
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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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