Digital Observatory

Innovative processes in the social field must be an effort oriented by specific agents or social actors; they can be the State, organized populations or private entities. No process can dispense of the subjects that propel and sustain it; It is there that the formation of community organizations, non-governmental organizations and the strengthening of the capacities of public and private organizations to promote, support and diffuse innovative processes in populations becomes important. These entities and organizations should visualize opportunities for social innovation, to propose innovative projects and develop capacities for community leaders-innovators to develop their proposals; To co-manage their implementation, to record the changes and learning achieved, to make those changes sustainable over time and to disseminate them to other populations so that they can adopt or adapt them acco

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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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